Thursday, August 25, 2011


I've moved!  
New Blog:

My blog has packed its bags and moved to a new host site.  As much as i like google being apart of every aspect of my life and business, the blogger app was not free.  For some reason, that pushed me to get the free wordpress app and start a new blog there.  Hindsight, i realize more work went into the endeavor than the 3 bucks i would have spent to keep the blog where it was.  No regrets.  The ordeal kicked my butt in gear and now i have a blog that feels more like me along with a new website going up.  To say my farewells to this place, i leave my latest work along with the addresses that can be used to locate me.  Honestly, its not hard to find me, but its not like many of you are out there tryin really hard either. c'est le vie (spelling?)

Once again, here's that new location for you :)
New Blog:
